Telomerase Regulator Development Process

Our founders, in collaboration with world-class scientists, invested significant funds and utilized advanced laboratories, modern communication facilities, and collaborative efforts. After five years of strenuous work, the achievements in life technology engineering stand as a great contribution in human history. This achievement is poised to play an immeasurable role in humanity’s understanding of the essence of life, potentially accelerating the transition from molecular biology to physical biology in the 21st century. This progress may facilitate gene modification, organ cloning, and make previously untreatable diseases treatable, possibly allowing for the unhindered extension of human lifespan. With the rapid development of technology, the promotion of universal love, respect for life, faith in science, and anticipation of the future are crucial. We approach the future with a positive mindset, protecting our bodies for a better tomorrow.

Our research process has been through countless challenges, overcoming difficulties, experiencing moments of despair and frustration, as well as moments of anticipation and ecstatic joy. Through sleepless nights, waiting for the miracle to unfold, the results of this life technology engineering research are not as some might imagine—hormones, placental extracts, growth hormones, various vitamins and minerals, stem cell preparations, Botox injections for temporary facial paralysis to reduce wrinkles, or temporary wrinkle removal using hyaluronic acid. It is fundamentally controlling the aging mechanism without any adverse side effects. There is no need to risk immune rejection reactions, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, or undiscovered viral infections. There is also no need for restrictive diets or painful physical exercises to maintain a slim physique. This life technology engineering operates within the framework of natural laws and universal principles. Attempting to defy these natural laws is destined for failure. We are simply restoring processes to their natural state as they should be.

What is the normal lifespan of humans?

The “lifespan coefficient” theory suggests that a species’ lifespan is approximately 5-7 times its growth period. For humans, with a growth period of 23-25 years, the normal lifespan should be 115-175 years. However, most people only live about half of their expected lifespan due to factors like DNA damage during cell division caused by UV rays, X-rays, oxidation, and free radicals. Other reasons for premature aging include different lifestyles and dietary habits. To address these issues, life technology engineering focuses on measures such as telomerase regulators to maintain chromosome telomere length, activate stem cell differentiation, and comprehensively renew human cells. Dr. Aubrey de Grey predicts humans could live up to 1000 years with progress in embryonic stem cell research. Ethical considerations are crucial in this field. Technology advancements, as seen in Einstein’s theory of relativity, bring new understandings of natural laws. The belief is that humans can exceed their original lifespan, but active engagement in anti-aging health care is essential for a positive future.

Why Can Telomerase Regulators Make People Return to Youth and Live a Long, Healthy Life?

The successful development of telomerase regulators comprehensively initiates and activates the differentiation function of stem cells in various organs and tissues throughout the body. All organ tissues in the human body are composed of cells, falling into two main categories: stem cells and non-stem cells. Human aging is caused by cell senescence. Telomeres are located at the ends of chromosomes, and their length gradually shortens with each cell division. When the telomeres shorten to a certain extent, cells cease to divide and proceed toward death. Telomerase plays a repairing role in continuously shortening chromosome telomeres, extending the cell’s lifespan.

Under normal circumstances, telomeres of chromosomes will shorten slightly after cell division. After consecutive cell divisions around 50 times, telomeres will shorten to the point where they no longer have the capacity to protect chromosomes. This can be explained as the inevitable gradual shortening of telomeres during chromosome replication with each cell division, leading to chromosomal instability, cell crisis, and ultimately aging. Cell division terminates, culminating in cell death. Therefore, if there is a method to keep chromosome telomeres intact and undamaged, human life can endure indefinitely.

Telomerase is a fundamental nuclear protein reverse transcriptase that can replicate telomere DNA and add it to the ends of eukaryotic cell chromosomes. Telomeres play a crucial role in maintaining chromosome stability and cellular vitality in cells of different species. Telomerase can extend shortened telomeres at the ends of chromosomes in various species, thereby enhancing cell proliferation capacity.

Because human cells typically only divide about 50 times, this is a constant. As the number of divisions increases, the remaining generations become fewer, and the individual appears increasingly aged. To maintain youth and extend lifespan, it is necessary to lengthen each cell division cycle and increase the number of cell divisions. Therefore, anti-aging treatment must be initiated early.

Telomerase regulators can make humans perpetually youthful and achieve immortality because telomerase can lengthen telomeres (protein and DNA at the ends of chromosomes). Essentially, telomerase regulator activation controls the genes of telomerase, preventing damage during chromosome division and increasing the number of times cells can divide.

Throughout history, the pursuit of “immortality” has been a dream, and many have attempted various methods to slow aging, but with limited success. To achieve eternal youth and reverse aging, it is necessary to, at the molecular biology level, restore the telomere length of various cells in the aging human body to the level of youth. This would result in rejuvenation and immortality.

The human skin reflects the internal organ function and endocrine situation like a mirror. Therefore, the most effective and practical method for achieving beauty, anti-aging, and maintaining youth is to target the molecular level. Youth is the most beautiful period of life, and the radiance, posture, and charm of young people naturally emanate from within—a kind of natural beauty that cannot be achieved through any cosmetic means. As time passes, instead of helplessly waiting for the loss of precious moments, youth slipping away, and indulging in self-pity, it is more worthwhile to actively strive for it. This is far more practical than spending a significant amount of time each day applying makeup to conceal the traces of aging.

What are the Benefits of Using Telomerase Regulators?

Usually, noticeable effects begin after two weeks of treatment. The skin becomes fair, smooth, and radiant, with gradual reduction of eye bags and wrinkles. The overall skin tightens, regains elasticity, and becomes more lustrous. Notably, wrinkles on the hands and neck visibly diminish. (Please note that regular cosmetic procedures typically cannot alter wrinkles on the hands and neck; it is only possible through rejuvenation from within the body.) Additionally, nails become more vibrant, partially lost eyebrows start regrowing, eyelashes lengthen, sagging breasts gradually firm up, and the relaxed vagina tightens. Memory improves, immunity increases, resistance to diseases enhances, and energy and sexual performance noticeably improve. Moreover, the regulator helps balance the endocrine system bidirectionally, reduces acne and pigmentation spots, alleviates and controls various age-related diseases, and reduces the signs of aging (due to P16 gene control), maintaining youthful and beautiful skin. It reduces the incidence of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. It can also prevent the occurrence of other age-related diseases, such as preventing the shrinking of elderly organs, osteoporosis, and senile dementia, among others. The benefits are numerous, as the body returns to youth.

For young and middle-aged individuals, one treatment cycle, lasting three months, is usually sufficient. We take a photo for our clients every month during the treatment, and each photo shows improvement compared to the previous one, making them look younger and more attractive. There will be a noticeable difference between you and others of the same age. For individuals below 35, after one treatment cycle, they can become as young as around 20. This is a solid fact, with no exaggeration. Older individuals or those who often feel fatigued, with diminishing strength, are advised to undergo treatment promptly. Missing the opportunity would be regrettable. It is advisable for older individuals to undergo more than two treatment cycles, as the reduction of skin wrinkles is still significant, albeit somewhat slower than in younger individuals. However, their physical and health conditions improve, bringing more convenience to life by helping control and improve various age-related diseases. This life technology engineering does not involve ethical, moral, or religious issues. We approach it with sincerity, believing that those fortunate can naturally benefit from it.

Why is it Better to Start Anti-Aging Sooner?

If you have the opportunity to enjoy the revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of human anti-aging that we have achieved, your life will turn a new page once you undergo treatment. You will become younger, more beautiful, and more passionate than before, enjoying a life of beauty, happiness, and fulfillment.

We hope you’ll be the first to try something new. Don’t hesitate; take action now, and it will change your life. Miracles will happen to you. Youth is priceless, and health is the capital of life. These are the two significant aspects accompanying human life. If a person becomes very old, weak, or endures the torment of diseases, threatening life, what use is a lot of wealth or career achievements? Isn’t it more meaningful to maintain youth, beauty, and longevity? When the oil in the lamp is used up and cannot be replenished, the consequences are foreseeable. The gate to future health and longevity has opened a crack for you. Hesitation may lead to losing opportunities and timing. Time waits for no one, and whether it’s a healthy and long life or the threat of disease to life, it’s just a thought away. Changing perspectives can create a new world! Please take immediate action, undergo our anti-aging health care treatment, and the harvest will undoubtedly be immense or limitless.

In the field of health and anti-aging, some researchers are making unremitting efforts, but each has their own opinions, delving into their own paths, and each believes their research direction is correct. They each put forward their theories, studying tirelessly for decades, yet none have achieved results. Many have misled future scholars. Whether this is the will of God is left for later generations to judge. However, I cannot deny the fact, for facts are facts, and there’s no room for any falsehood. Facts speak louder than words. We have already benefited many people. In reality, we deliver on our promises, and the results are so good that it’s hard to believe. There are already many wonderful stories, and our customers say, “Blessed are those who believe.”

Why Should I Undergo Anti-Aging Treatment When I Regularly Take Health Supplements?

Now is the time to sort out your thoughts. Do you want to preserve the beauty of your youth? Do you want to maintain a beautiful figure? Are you worried about your health? Why is your condition deteriorating? How much help do you get from taking so many health supplements? Could excessive intake accumulate and cause side effects or chronic poisoning in the body? How much longer will you play your role on the stage of life? Having wasted the beautiful times, with the imminent decline approaching, why not give yourself another chance? Can you restart if you miss the opportunity? Destiny is in your hands, so don’t be like certain individuals who consider themselves extraordinary, cynical, and self-righteous, thinking that what they don’t know, others don’t either, and that what they don’t understand doesn’t exist in the world. Didn’t the older generation teach us, “There’s always someone better, there are always higher mountains, and we keep learning throughout our lives”? People often exclaim, “Treating diseases or engaging in health and anti-aging also requires luck, or else you’ll take many detours.” If you love life and want to stay young and beautiful or hope for a healthy and long life, it’s not too late to wake up now. You can certainly satisfy your desires to the fullest on the existing foundation. Having a defeatist attitude is not advisable; instead, let’s proceed according to the will of God!

Is There a Guarantee of Effectiveness for Telomerase Regulators?

We promise to provide a 100% unconditional and ineffective refund guarantee for those undergoing treatment. To ensure your interests, you can also choose to deposit the service and treatment fees in the bank in the form of a joint account. Please have a lawyer notarize the transaction. Only after you have achieved the desired effects and satisfaction, you can release the funds to us. We also offer on-site services for special individuals and accept payments through bank cards and credit cards.

We guarantee not to disappoint you. We will provide you with a CD containing comparative photos taken before and after your treatment. Whether on your face or in your physique, you will appear 5 to 10 years, or even 20 years, younger than before. You can also confirm the results by comparing your physical fitness or blood biochemical indicators before and after the treatment with your previous family doctor. You will be grateful and feel that you should have met us sooner. However, it’s not too late; you have already taken the first step towards health and anti-aging. In the future, you will have a more beautiful and happy life.

How Long Can the Effects of Each Treatment Last, and Will Treatment Be Needed Forever?

Generally, one treatment cycle lasts for three months, and after completing the cycle, you will experience unexpected results as your entire body undergoes a comprehensive return to a more youthful state. Subsequently, you can undergo intermittent anti-aging treatments based on your own preferences. If financially feasible, it is recommended to have the treatment once a year, and it is best not to exceed three years between anti-aging treatments. Because aging is an inevitable process, anti-aging measures cannot be a one-time solution. To maintain perpetual youth and reverse aging, it is necessary to undergo long-term intermittent treatments. If done consistently, you will stand out from people of the same age and be able to maintain a robust physique.

I am already quite old and suffer from many adult diseases. Can I undergo anti-aging treatment?

It is best for elderly individuals to undergo treatment as soon as possible because time waits for no one, and adult diseases continue to worsen. Additionally, the side effects of long-term medication accelerate the aging process. Telomerase regulators not only extend the lifespan of cells but also have a detoxifying effect, eliminating the accumulation of chronic poisoning caused by long-term medication. We have many individuals over 80 years old who, after undergoing treatment, have experienced miraculous changes. Some appear to be more than 10 years younger, with significant improvements in both physique and physical capabilities.

I’m only 30 years old, can I undergo anti-aging treatment?

It is advisable to start anti-aging treatments for health as early as possible because the cells in the human body generally undergo about 50 divisions, which is a constant. With each division, a generation is lost. Telomerase regulators can adjust the telomerase enzyme-regulating gene, preserving the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes. This helps extend each cell division cycle and increase the number of cell divisions, transforming cells into long-lived cells. Consequently, it can extend lifespan. It is best to begin intermittent anti-aging treatment around the age of 25. However, starting at 30 is not too late, and the younger the age, the more significant the changes. A single course of treatment can bring surprising results, making you look about 10 years younger, especially in appearance.

If there is already some visceral organic lesion in the body, is anti-aging treatment helpful?

Telomerase regulator health anti-aging works from inside the body, fundamentally affecting the entire body. This means that various organs and tissues in the body’s systems first return to a more youthful state before reflecting on the skin. Relying solely on external beauty treatments has limited effectiveness because the body’s internal organs continue to age. Therefore, cosmetic improvements on the surface are restricted and quickly become aged again.

The human body is a holistic entity, with each system and organ working in cooperation and mutual influence. If there is a problem with one internal organ, it can affect others, leading to a vicious cycle of diseases. Through anti-aging treatment with telomerase regulators, as the functions of tissues and organs in various systems throughout the body are strengthened, it has a positive impact on already affected organs. This can promote the recovery of organs undergoing degeneration.

Will there be any side effects after telomerase regulator anti-aging treatment?

Telomerase regulator health anti-aging treatment absolutely has no side effects. Our anti-aging health life technology engineering is a unique technology in the world. With advanced laboratories and collaboration with world-class scientists, we conducted 8 years of research, achieving unprecedented results. In fact, this technology succeeded three years ago, but it couldn’t be disclosed because it truly rejuvenates people, reverses aging, extends life, and eliminates various illnesses. If everyone could live over a hundred years, what would the world be like? Can the existing social resources bear this? Is it the will of God? These questions troubled us for three years until early 2006 when, after a heated debate at a conference, it was decided that a fortunate few should benefit from our research. Otherwise, what use is our research if our initial investments don’t yield returns? It can be explained as God calling the fortunate and virtuous to seek our services, but it can only be promoted to a limited extent and only serve a portion of the population. With this explanation, we don’t need to worry so much.

During our promotion, because the results are unbelievably good, those who undergo the treatment are very grateful and feel fortunate. However, 90% of them are unwilling to introduce others. As long as they stay young and beautiful, they don’t want others to be young and beautiful. This is a manifestation of human selfishness. We hear many stories in this regard. But we believe it is a divine arrangement. We can guarantee that anyone undergoing telomerase regulator health anti-aging treatment will have no side effects and will be very fortunate.

What are the ingredients of the telomerase regulator?

The telomerase regulator is a purely natural health product extracted through high-tech methods from plants. It is not chemically synthesized, so it does not produce side effects, accumulate to cause chronic poisoning, nor is it derived from biological preparations, eliminating concerns for vegetarians. There is no need to worry about potential immune rejection reactions, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, or the risk of infection from undiscovered viruses in the future. This is because it is fundamentally unrelated to the mentioned situations, making it a safe and reliable product.

How is the regulation of telomerase inhibitor in the anti-aging process carried out?

Because this life science engineering is quite complex, it requires a comprehensive adjustment of the human body, which is a holistic treatment process. It is analogous to clearing metabolic waste, free radicals, peroxidized lipids, heavy metals, and eliminating cells in various organ tissues of the body that have degenerated, aged, or transformed. Only after this process can the telomerase inhibitor regulate the repair of cells in various organ tissues of the body. Therefore, the treatment is somewhat complex. We provide four types of formulations. One of them is in the form of capsules for internal consumption. Two are for external use, to be applied morning and evening. They can be applied to the face or other parts of the body. The other type is a muscle injection, to be administered once a week or once a month. Although it may seem complex, it is not troublesome at all.

Can anti-aging treatment be carried out while I am already suffering from a certain disease and need to take medication for an extended period?

Telomerase regulator is not a chemically synthesized drug; it is extracted through high-tech methods from natural plants. Its properties are absolutely stable and do not easily decompose or react with other chemical substances. However, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, we still recommend not using it simultaneously with other medications. It is best to wait for a three-hour interval before use.

Because of my special status, it’s inconvenient for me to come to your place. What should I do?

We absolutely guarantee customer privacy. We can provide door-to-door services. For customers from other regions or countries, we offer airport pick-up and hotel accommodation arrangements. If customers need any other assistance, our staff will do their best to help.

What discomfort might occur during the treatment process?

Generally, there is not much sensation, but if there are some chronic diseases or latent lesions in the body that have not yet manifested, there may be some reactions. There might be a very brief and mild discomfort, but it quickly disappears. This is a natural response of the body during the process of repairing lesions, and it is a positive phenomenon that should not cause concern. However, most people do not experience any sensations.

Is telomerase regulator considered a ‘stem cell preparation’?

Telomerase regulator is not a stem cell preparation; it is extracted from natural plants. As for the progress in stem cell research, it is currently in the basic research stage worldwide. Stem cell preparations are far from mature technology at present. Therapeutic cloning, involving embryonic stem cells, has not yet entered a mature application phase. Only a small fraction has entered clinical applications. Achieving safety, control, effectiveness, and widespread use in clinical settings still has a long way to go. While stem cell medicine holds promising prospects, no one can make accurate predictions regarding the timeline for its practical applications at this time.

What is the difference between telomerase regulator and future ‘stem cell preparations’?

To put it more accurately, they both fall within the realm of anti-aging healthcare but differ in research focus and methods. Perhaps, with technological advancements in the future, there is a possibility of integration, combining strengths and weaknesses, complementing each other, and contributing jointly to human health, anti-aging efforts, and lifespan extension.

The achievements in life science engineering by the Australian Joint Science have immense implications for the future development of stem cell medicine. Although stem cells possess self-renewal and multipotent differentiation abilities, they are subject to species-specific lifespan limitations. Therefore, in both the research process and the application value after obtaining results, telomerase regulator plays a significant role. We describe it as indispensable because even during the in vitro expansion or directed induction of stem cells, they undergo continuous aging. In fact, they might age faster than we imagine throughout the entire process. One might wonder if cells expanded in vitro are already quite aged, do they have any functional significance? Is there any meaning in genetically modified or cloned organs that have aged to the point of no longer being worth replacing? Hence, our technological achievements in stem cell biotechnology are an essential technical link, whether in nuclear transfer technology or merely manipulating stem cells in vitro, delaying cellular aging, and transforming cells into long-lived cells are crucial. If any stem cell research institutions are in need, we can offer technology transfer or collaboration.

If the treatment course is completed, will I revert to my original state or age faster?

This is absolutely impossible because the treatment process fundamentally controls the mechanisms of aging in the human body. It corrects the damage caused by your previous lifestyle, dietary habits, or incorrect healthcare methods, aiming to restore your body to its natural state. If the recommended practices are followed, the rate of aging will be very slow in the future. Of course, if you undergo a healthcare anti-aging treatment every one or two years, you will continue to maintain a youthful appearance, markedly different from others of the same age. Some individuals, after undergoing treatment, appear 15-20 years younger than their actual age.

Is there an age limit for telomerase regulator anti-aging treatment?

Telomerase regulator anti-aging treatment has no age limit. As of now, our oldest customer is 86 years old, and the youngest is 26. Based on our observations, regardless of the age group, there are noticeable and effective results. Older individuals tend to experience more pronounced improvements in physical fitness and biochemical indicators in the blood. Wrinkles also reduce, albeit at a slower rate compared to younger individuals. The most apparent changes include improved self-sufficiency in daily life, a steadier gait, and an overall healthier appearance. For younger individuals undergoing treatment, the primary effects involve a return to a more youthful appearance with significant reduction in wrinkles, smoother and fairer skin, longer eyelashes, enhanced sexual performance, and even individuals with erectile dysfunction for many years can experience a renewed ability for normal sexual activity. Moreover, erections are harder, and a certain level of rigidity is maintained after ejaculation. If you are around 30 years old, you will be pleasantly surprised after just one month of treatment.”

How does the efficacy cycle of telomerase regulator anti-aging treatment work?

Week 1: Telomerase regulator enters cell tissues through the bloodstream, initiating the regulation of cellular metabolism. It starts metabolizing and eliminating metabolic waste, such as free radicals, peroxidized lipids, and aging or malignant cells. Simultaneously, dormant stem cells are activated, differentiating and proliferating into new adult stem cells. Activated stem cells seek and target the repair of damaged and inactive human genes, restoring vitality to systemic organ tissues.

Visible effects at this stage include a radiant and youthful face, moisturized and elastic skin with reduced wrinkles.

Physiological changes include the elimination of fatigue, increased energy, enhanced appetite, improved physical strength, improved sleep with deeper stages, and enhanced sexual function.

Weeks 2-3: Telomerase regulator permeates various systems and tissues of the body, activating telomere regulatory genes. It protects the length of telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, exerting anti-aging effects and restoring and maintaining optimal physiological states across all systems, organs, and tissues. Dormant stem cells are significantly activated, reaching growth phase levels of cell differentiation. They comprehensively repair damaged, aging, and mutated genes, restoring them to their most vibrant states.

Visible effects during this stage include radiant appearance, improved skin texture, increased elasticity, reduced pore size, diminished facial wrinkles, lighter eye bags, faded or disappeared pigmentation, and regrowth of previously shed hair, appearing darker and shinier.

Physiological changes involve enhanced immune resistance, significantly improved sleep quality, normalized circadian rhythms, and improved overall physical fitness.

Week 4 and beyond: As telomerase regulator is maximally absorbed and exerts its effects, dormant stem cells are massively activated. Various systems, tissues, and organs of the body experience targeted restoration of damaged cells, enhancing functions, and maintaining a youthful and healthy appearance.

Visible effects at this stage include a significant reduction in facial wrinkles, skin regaining elasticity, becoming fair, delicate, and smooth. Eye bags are noticeably reduced, eyelashes lengthen, excess fat is eliminated, body shape improves, sagging breasts begin to firm up, and a reshaped and more vibrant body is achieved. Immune function is elevated, gynecological diseases decrease, energy levels increase, and some prematurely menopausal women may resume menstruation. Male sexual performance is noticeably enhanced, and even some men with erectile dysfunction for several years may experience erections and maintain a certain level of hardness after ejaculation.

Can telomerase regulator treatment be carried out continuously for an extended period?

In principle, there is no necessity for continuous treatment. Based on our long-term observations across various age groups, there is a certain limit to the extent of rejuvenation achievable; it is not an endless return to youth. However, for those with favorable economic conditions, undergoing intermittent treatment over an extended period can yield significant anti-aging health benefits. Some older customers who have undergone continuous treatment for nine months have shown marked improvements in various adult diseases and organic lesions in internal organs. This improvement is evident when comparing biochemical indicators in blood tests before and after treatment.

For those wishing to maintain youthfulness and prevent the onset of adult diseases, it is advisable to undergo one to three treatment courses initially and then engage in periodic intermittent treatments for optimal results.

Why isn’t the excellent anti-aging healthcare technology being globally promoted?

It’s just a matter of time. When the time is right, it will benefit the majority of people. However, now is not the time. To protect our intellectual property, we reject visits from insincere individuals. We have a sincere intention, and at the appropriate time, we can popularize our technological achievements worldwide, contributing back to human society. Particularly, the extension of the lifespan of societal elites positively influences both spiritual and material civilization construction, which is the original intention of our life science engineering. However, due to the development of technology, some may fall into ‘scientific superstition’ and be misled. Moreover, certain authorities are hard to come by and prefer to maintain the status quo. Therefore, disruption takes time, and let time answer!

Due to the empirical situation in the field of technology and the scientific superstition of the general public, the mysteries of human life, despite the desire to unlock the secrets, remain an ongoing dream echoing through the millennia. Although humanity has completed the human genome map, the study of the proteome in the future ‘post-genomic era’ (as proteins are life) poses a more formidable task for researchers. Unfortunately, some researchers engaged in life science engineering also have a limited lifespan, and their contribution to scientific research is only for a few decades. Faced with the enigma of life, how much time can one dedicate to research throughout their life? By the time one sees the hopeful dawn, it may already be the ‘beautiful sunset, but just nearing dusk.’

Some individuals might, therefore, abandon academic research, enjoying the benefits they have already obtained and the limited time left in their lives. This reflects the inherent selfishness and helplessness of human nature. Some overconfident, arrogant, and ignorant individuals engage in meaningless conflicts. Our life science engineering currently benefits only a fortunate and virtuous few. While we aim to promote, we do not aim to popularize. Currently, we only provide services and technology, without expecting massive product promotion. We also do not file for patents because patents have a limited duration. After waiting for many years for the patent to expire, some people might reap rewards without effort, leaving our initial investments in technology and the dedication of our scientific personnel to the anti-aging cause in vain. Is this fair?